

First Officer (F/O)
Even if you are not simulating Multi Crew Coordination by combining the tasks of Captain and First Officer (like it is done by most Flight Simmers most of the time), you can familiarize yourself already with the procedures on your own.
The Captain, will normally occupy the left hand seat and the First Officer (Co-Pilot) will normally occupy the right hand seat.
Before the start of each flight, the Captain decides which pilot be flying the aircraft.
That pilot becomes the 'Pilot Flying' (PF).
The 'Pilot Flying' (PF) will either have control of the aircraft for the complete duration of the flight or for particular parts of it such as the Descent/Approach and Landing.
The other pilot is designated for that sector or relevant parts of it as 'Pilot Not Flying' (PNF) or 'Pilot Monitoring' (PM).
In that role he/she must monitor the flight management and aircraft control actions of the PF and carry out support duties such as communications and check-list reading. The most important aspects of the duties of any PNF/PM is to crosscheck of the actions of PF.
The Captain is always responsible for all aspects of the safe operation of the aircraft.
Some operators use the Monitored Approach concept in which the pilot who is PM during the descent and approach will become PF for the landing.
During the initial development phase, of this website the Captain will always be the PF and the First Officer (Co-Pilot) will be PNF/PM.

Pilot Flying

Pilot Not Flying or Pilot Monitoring
Fig. above: Symbols indicating PF and PNF tasks in the topics
Cockpit diagram
The highlighted area in cockpit diagrams display the area where the knobs, switches and buttons shown in the recordings can be found.